As internet research will show, tackling metal roof theft is not straightforward. Despite new laws and protections established for the first time in 2013, which have caused a welcome drop in theft of metals from roofs, railways, signage, pipes and more, the problem has not gone away. Insurance remains high for lead and copper roofing and, especially where theft has previously occurred, these costs can prevent owners of metal roofs being able to secure insurance at all.
There are many alternatives to copper and lead roofing - some using other metals such as stainless steel, others using copper paint or similar. All these options have their drawbacks - for example, roofs made of other metals are still valuable to thieves, copper paint can look "tacky" and cannot withstand the temperature related expansion and contraction to which roofs are subject. Using copper shingles instead of sheet copper can make thieves' jobs even easier, as they do not have to cut panels or remove an entire roof!
Polymer roofing fills a large gap in this problem. One of the few industries that reuses spent plastic molecules, the high-spec liquid roofing system is designed to be flexible in every sense. This includes its look - so that with the addition of other components, the roof mimics the look of either lead or patinated copper accurately. I have worked in roofing for a long time and this is the closest thing I have ever seen to "liquid lead" in both look and action (for example, like lead, it can be formed around any detailing). Alternatively it can be used to create a jointless, seamless layer over existing copper or leadwork, bonding to it and making it both impossible and valueless for thieves to remove.
To find out more, simply follow the links around the site or call us on 07855 535581. You may be interested particularly in our dedicated Lead Alternative or Copper Alternative sections, which also include photographs, advice and information on e.g. costs, lifespans and insurance.