Autumn is suddenly here! And with it darker nights, colder evenings, wetter roofs and droves of dried leaves accumulating in gutters, drainpipes or balcony corners.
Autumn is a great time to pay attention to your roof - using the damper, cooler weather to look for signs of mould inside the house or for signs of blockage outside (often caused by leaves piling up or moss growing in 'warning' areas).
Polymer roofs and balconies are some of the easiest roof surfaces to maintain. In the case of balconies or flat roofs, because the polymer sets hard, the roof is safe to walk on, so provided you take appropriate precautions, there's no problem sweeping them clean, paying particular attention to corners and around large plant pots.
On pitched roofs, there is unlikely to be any accumulation of debris on the roof itself - only in gutters or downpipes, which can be checked visually (if you're able to gain access) or simply monitored from the ground by watching for unusual amounts of water pouring from blocked areas in heavy rain.
As usual, if you're in any doubt, just give us a call on 07855 535581 - we're always happy to advise or, if necessary, to come and sort it out for you.